Guidelines, standards, and good practice
Guidelines, standards, and good practice notes for climate-resilient infrastructure investment

Guidelines, standards, and good practice notes for climate-resilient infrastructure investment

The component has developed a comprehensive set of best practises and guidelines for incorporating climate risk into infrastructure planning and design across different sectors and stages of decision-making, from the policy level to sector-level planning to individual project design. 

Guidelines, standards, and good practise notes for climate-resilient infrastructure investment are based on lessons learned from projects under Project-level technical assistance (led by the World Bank and AfDB) and are linked to the capacity-building programme under outreach, dissemination, and training (led by UNECA and AUC) and geared towards African stakeholders. The World Bank leads the component.

Projects underway includes:



See more on Guidelines, Standards, and Good Practices.
Read Story Map 



Led by
World Bank and AfDB