New Hands-on Tool to Develop Climate-Resilient Development Projects

New Hands-on Tool to Develop Climate-Resilient Development Projects

The Resilience Booster Tool developed by the World Bank Group under the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) co-financed Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES), is now available for project developers.

Direct, climate-related impacts from floods, drought, water stress, agricultural losses, and deteriorating health conditions, among others, touch every fabric of society, but especially poor people who continue to rely on rainfed cropping and pasture-based livestock systems in much of Africa. As the region moves towards greater urbanization, the need for sustainable, green cities will only increase. To both overcome the challenges presented by climate change and to build a brighter, more inclusive future, communities in Africa will need to be more resilient.

The Resilience Booster Tool is a practical, hands-on tool to secure the integration of resilience into a project’s design, implementation, and monitoring. The Resilience Booster Tool is part of an effort to help ensure that climate resilient investment practices are adopted by different financiers active in Africa, thereby boosting the share of overall development financing for Africa with resilience co-benefits. The Africa Climate Resilient Investment Facility (AFRI-RES), is a partnership between the Africa Union, African Development Bank, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the World Bank Group, established with support from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF). The AFRI-RES is an effort to catalyse a paradigm shift towards a climate-resilient green economy approach to planning development investments on the continent. Part of the AFRI-RES is to convert future climate projections into practical applications.

The World Bank webpage (links below) introduces the Resilience Booster Tool and access to downloading the tool. Follow the links below to explore, test and use the Resilience Booster Tool and learn more about the AFRI-RES initiative
