Outreach, dissemination, and training
Outreach, dissemination, and training

Outreach, dissemination, and training

This AFRI-RES component engages in a variety of actions to promote behavioral change in the design of investments that are climate-resilient. These range from upstream efforts at awareness-raising (e.g., workshops and seminars) aimed at improving understanding among public and private sector decision-makers of the risks of climate variability and change on the performance of infrastructure, to more in-depth technical workshops (targeted at practitioners) to support robust decision-making, access to finance, technology transfer and capacity-building, reflecting real-life experiences. It consists of; 

  • Legacy Training

The legacy training is delivered through hybrid online and in-person training programmes to sector specialists, the private sector, legislators, media personnel, and Civil Society organizations (CSOs). It is being delivered through ECA's training arm, the African Institute of Economic and Planning (IDEP), in Dakar.

The training comprises three modules:

  • Online-delivered Training Package 1 (TP1) concentrates on (i) an introduction to the AFRI-RES programme, (ii) an introduction to climate modelling, and (iii) an understanding of climate resilience and the management of climate risks.

  • Based on online and in-person delivery, Training Package 2 (TP2) focuses on the incorporation of climate resilience into investments in critical sectors, including agriculture, energy, water, transport, ecosystems, and cities.

  • Online-delivered Training Package 3 (TP3) focuses on (i) communicating climate change and resilience, and (ii) comprehending climate finance.

Access AFRI-RES Legacy training on IDP's Website here

  • PIDA PAP II Training

The PIDA  PAP II training is specifically tailored to support the massive blueprint for infrastructure development in Africa, (Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa) PIDA. AFRI-RES is working with AUDA-NEPAD and the African Union Commission to integrate climate resilience into the second phase of PIDA. PIDA, endorsed by the continent's Heads of State and government, is an ambitious long-term plan to close Africa's infrastructure divide through over 400 PIDA initiatives, including 54 hydropower plants and interconnectors and 236 transportation projects. 

The first PIDA PAP II training took place at IDEP, Dakar on November 29 through December 1, 2022 with participants from AUC, AUDA-NEPAD, Regional Economic Communities (including ECCAS, SADC, EAC, and ECOWAS), and country focal points for PIDA-PAP 2 projects.  The training was provided in collaboration with AUC, AUDA-NEPAD, the Energy Services, the Private Sector Development and Finance Section of UNECA, and IDEP.

With the demand for another session by AUDA NEPAD, another training will be carried out in partnership with World Bank in September 2023.

Access training materials for the PIDA PAP II Training here

  • Climate Finance Training 

AFRI-RES is harnessing the resilience dividend to mobilize climate finance. Hence, together with the World Bank, AFRI-RES is in the process of organizing a training on climate finance, which will be announced soon.

This training offers an overview of the climate finance landscape in Sub-Saharan Africa. This encompasses adaptation and climate resilience-focused climate finance, the public sector and development partners, the private sector, public-private partnerships, and alternative funding sources. 

After completing the course, participants will be able to identify climate-resilient project funding sources and create bankable climate-resilient project proposals.

Watch out !!! for the AFRI-RES Climate Finance Training



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